Welcome to Durham At Dusk!
Durham at Dusk aims to showcase the beauty of Durham, UK, by capturing and sharing a range of stunning photos that convey just how incredible the city of Durham is. As the name suggests, I particularly enjoy photographing around dusk, although I define that quite loosely as any time from late afternoon into the hours of darkness!
My name is Huw, and I am currently a PhD student at Durham University researching electric car charging with renewable energy. I have loved my 8 years in Durham, and I love being able to capture my favourite parts of the city to share with all of you. I first got into photography when I learned to scuba dive back in 2008, starting off with a compact camera in a little plastic underwater housing. In 2014 I purchased my first DSLR, with a not-so-little and not-so-cheap underwater housing and really began to focus on my photography above water to make the most of the camera. I currently shoot with a mirrorless Nikon Z7ii with a range of lenses from wide angle through to telephoto. I enjoy all types of photography, but have a particular interest in landscapes, astrophotography and underwater photography (not that Durham is renowned for that!).
I hope you enjoy browsing my photos, there is also the opportunity to purchase prints of different types or digital images that you can display and share through the gallery below!
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, comments or suggestions - links to my social media can be found at the top of the page, or email me at huw@aboveandbelowphotography.co.uk